While the 2020 Olympics may be cancelled, that doesnt mean we can't celebrate our own Olympic games! Inspire your VBS Athletes to go the distance with Joshua, one of the great champions of the Bible who points us to Jesus! At Olympion, Coaches challenge kids to join God's Team and run the Race of Faith with wholehearted love and obedience to God.
With the Coronavirus forcing us to social distance, we thought it might be fun to have a Virtual Bible School this year! How this will work is as follows: 1) You will signup your children on the form here. 2) We will have physical VBS packets that you will be able to pickup before the event, and these will have everything you will need to have home VBS! (Pickup location TBA) 3) Each morning of our four day VBS, we will be livestreaming the opening ceremonies from our Facebook page (First Pres PC). We will have skits, music, teaching, and a daily gospel presentation. 4) We will also have T-Shirts available for purchase to help offset the costs of books since this VBS is otherwise completely FREE of charge. 5) The dates are June 23-26th, and the ages are 4yrs-6th grade.